Bighorn Sheep in Colorado

A bighorn sheep ewe, on the right, prepares to lead the herd on its trek across a highway in Rocky Mountain National Park. The ewe waits until most of the herd members line up and then she begins the procession. The sheep make the journey each day to and from two lakes in a meadow in the park.

Not far from Estes Park in Colorado, bighorn sheep graze in a meadow near two lakes, “Sheep Lakes,” in Rocky Mountain National Park. The herd makes its way to the lakes from the mountainside each morning and then returns to the mountainside in the late afternoon. It’s a beautiful commute. Park rangers and volunteers manage the tourists and the cars on the narrow highway to allow the sheep safe passage.

When the bighorn sheep are ready to cross the highway, park rangers and volunteers clear the road. The sign says no walking, but it also means no parking. This Hummer driver was confused!

My husband and I were among the gawkers in early August for the sheep’s late afternoon procession back to the mountains. I joined the paparazzi jostling for a view from the packed parking lot. Because we had to stand well away from the sheep, I envied photographers with big lenses. One woman pointed to a female sheep hurrying back across the meadow to the herd at the closest lake. Where had the ewe been? What had she been up to? Her lamb ran out to her and then trailed after her. “Mommy, where did you go?”

In the mid-1800s, thousands of bighorn sheep lived in the Estes Valley, but their numbers were decimated by hunters, by degraded environment and by diseases introduced by domestic sheep. At one point it was thought only about 150 sheep lived in the park, high in the mountains. The bighorn sheep in the low-lying areas were gone. It wasn’t until recent decades that through conservation efforts and reintroduction of new bighorn sheep that the population started to increase. About 600 bighorn sheep live in the park now. The herd near Sheep Lakes seemed to be all female adults and their offspring. You can read more about the RMNP bighorn sheep in a link below.

I saw one sheep move up the hill from the lake, and a few stood behind her. Soon, most of the herd was behind her. She waited there, alert, watching us silly humans in the parking lot. Even though we were probably a hundred yards away (I’m bad at estimating distances), she was wary. The rangers and volunteers make sure humans stay back because sheep can be easily stressed. However, later, we saw bighorn sheep grazing by the side of the highway along Big Thompson River, butting heads and knocking each other into the road. They didn’t seem bothered by the traffic at all. I was worried for them!

Eventually, the entire herd at Sheep Lakes gathered behind the lead ewe and then the sheep made their way across the road, where traffic had been cleared. Of course, just as with humans, one grazing sheep was oblivious to the departing herd. She looked up, saw she was alone, and then bolted to catch the herd.

You can click on all of the photos to get a better look. You’ll need to backspace to return to this page.

A bighorn sheep lamb nurses from its mother as the herd lines up and prepares to return to the hillside after a day in the meadow.

Bighorn sheep graze at Sheep Lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park.

A crowd gathers to watch and photograph the bighorn sheep as they graze at Sheep Lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park. The most popular time is when the sheep migrate to and from the hillside over the meadow, which they do once a day.

On the left, a ewe hurries back across the meadow to the herd. In the upper right, her lamb rushes out to greet her. “Mommy, where did you go?” In the bottom right, the lamb follows after its mother.

Bighorn sheep graze on the hillside along the Big Thompson River in Colorado.

About Bighorn Sheep in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Here is a section of a map showing the Sheep Lakes area, where a herd of bighorn sheep graze every day.


Filed under Animals, National Parks, Natural History, Nature, Travel

4 responses to “Bighorn Sheep in Colorado

  1. It’s been so many years since I’ve been to Estes Park, so I’m glad to know that it’s still lovely and people flock (haha) to take a picture of sheep. Where were all the males – watching the Olympics perhaps?

    The male adult sheep — the rams! — were up on the mountainsides doing manly things, I’m sure. If there were a head butting competition in the Olympics, I’m sure they’d watch that. Cathy


  2. Michelle

    Well, you might not have had as good a camera as you’d like or been able to get as close as you wanted, but the photos still turned out great. Yours always do. Look how green everything looks compared to the many shades of brown around here. Jealous!

    Thanks, Michelle! It was green there, and even chilly sometimes. Normally, I like to be hot, but I appreciated the cool weather after the blast furnace summer we’ve had this year. Cathy


  3. What a wonderful post. When you do posts like these I feel like I’ve been somewhere I’ve never seen. I love the photographs, of course, but also the stories that go with. You have a keen eye for nature and for taking one along on the journey with you. Such beautiful animals and I’m glad to see they are making a comeback. I appreciate the efforts of those who made this happen.

    I once had a run in with a bighorn sheep. Fortunately I don’t mean that in a literal sense. I was walking a path near Lake Mead and came around a corner. 10 feet away was bighorn sheep, something like 10 feet tall, frozen and starting at me. I froze, too, and we regarded each other for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually he bolted right at me and passed inches by my shoulder. In moments he was out of sight. That’s an experience I’ll never forget.


  4. Great post on the sheep at Rocky Mountain Cathy. Those critters are often hard to photograph because they like to keep their distance, but in doing that they’re often hard to zoom in close enough. It’s great to have these wider views to see them in their natural habitat. Thank you.


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